Friday, November 21, 2008

A little more about India

Let me just say a few more things about India so you know what you're seeing as you look through the pics.
I went on a two day trip to Mysore to see the HUGE palace there and it was really amazing. It was beautiful! And we stopped at several temples as well, which were really interesting. All the sculptures on the outside of the temples were realy cool. I took a really interesting class in college called Music Cultures of the World with Dr.Geisler (in case you're reading) and in that class we studied a bunch of Indian instruments. I saw those instruments depicted in the statues on the temple, which was cool because the temple is hundreds of years old! So a bunch of my pics are from that trip to Mysore and back and all the cool things I saw along the way.

I did a bunch of shopping because everything is so different, it was really fun, and it was nice and cheap, which I was a big fan of. I am also a bargainer, so I had a good time trying to get a good deal on things.

I definitely had an Indian massage. Yeah, that was a very interesting experience...

I also got a tattoo! :-) A Henna tattoo, that is. (Steven Homestead can now breath a sigh of relief.) I got one on my left hand and forearm and on my right foot. It was super fun and you can still see it after almost two weeks. I really like it. But not enough to go permanent. Just temporary every now and then would be enough for me I think.

So yeah! India was wonderful and unique and I really loved it!

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