Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's a small world after all

I will write more about India and much more about Korea as soon as I get the chance, but I really wanted to write about a cool experience I had yesterday. When I was in Belgium, I found out that an old friend from high school, Nikole Simpson, is teaching near Seoul, Korea. So I got in touch with her during my trip and arranged to meet up with her. So yesterday I took the train down to her city and saw Nikole again after 6 years! :-) It was super fun. We went to church first thing and they had a time for the visitors to stand up and introduce themselves. Let me just pause for a second and say that this whole trip I have been wishing that I could randomly see someone from home on the streets of another country. Because that would just be cool to run into someone halfway around the world, right? Well, this was my chance. As soon as church was over I hear, "Marla?!" and I look over and there is Starla Larson! She is a good friend from my home church in Minnesota. I've known her since we were like in second grade singing in King's Kids chorus and we sang together in choir all through the years til we graduated from high school. And she just happens to be teaching English in Korea and goes to church where my friend Nikole goes to church. How cool is that?!!! It was so exciting. So it definitely is a small world...after all.

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