Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hallstatt, Austria

Next stop: The beautiful town of Hallstatt, Austria. A friend recommended the town to me before I embarked on this adventure, but I wasn't quite sure I could squeeze it in. But while touring the UN in Geneva, my mom and I were looking at a display with beautiful photos of the most beautiful places on the earth, and guess which city there was a photo of? That's right, Circle Pines, Minnesota! Just kidding. Hallstatt, Austria! So I definitely had to see it, and I'm very glad I did.

The small town of Hallstatt is nestled between a mountain and a lake. It is tiny and cute and actually incredibly historic. Inside the mountain, people have been mining salt for thousands of years. That's right, thousands! Archaeologists have discovered tools dating back to B.C. made from antlers and other animal parts. In the 1700s they even discovered a the body of a man in the mine that had been preserved in the salt! He apparently was the victim of some sort of collapse inside the mine and today's scientists believe he is around 1500 years old. That's pretty cool if you ask me. Henry and I even went on a tour of the salt mine and got to see a ton of what they used to call "white gold." It was very interesting and fun. We had to wear these super trendy special outfits and to get from one level of the mine to another we went down this really long slides. It was pretty sweet. Or salty rather...

Just walking around Hallstatt was beautiful and the view of the city lakeside was picturesque. I'm really glad we were able to fit it into our schedule.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now that I am finally reading I can link the pictures to what you were doing. Usually I just read for a while or just look at pictures, but it makes way more sense if you do both at the same time! I was going to ask you why you were wearing that way oversized pink thing, but I thought maybe someone on your travels gave it to you and didn't want to hurt anyones feelings! But now that I am in the clear ... :)