Friday, October 3, 2008


Geneva was really fun! The city is really beautiful right on the waters of Lake Geneva. The big fountain that is usually blasting up into the air was turned off because of the wind, but we still saw some pretty cool stuff. Like a huge flower clock, a free museum, a mausoleum some rich guy paid the city to build in honor of him, and a nice cathedral. Then we headed off on the bus to the United Nations!!! This was the coolest part. We had to go through airport-like security to get there and then we got a special badge with our picture on it and everything. How's that for official UN business. Had a really cool tour and got to see where all the conventions are held and everything. It was very interesting. Does anyone know the only two countries that aren't part of the UN? Because I do.

After the UN we went across the street to the Red Cross Museum. Did you know that the Red Cross was founded in Switzerland? That's why the symbol is a red cross. Because they just inverted the Swiss flag! We learned a lot of cool things about the red cross in the museum about which I will be quizzing my cousin-in-law, Julie, who works for the R.C. :-)

All in all, a good day. Both the UN and Red Cross were really cool and Geneva was beautiful.


Unknown said...

I am going to go with Kosovo and Taiwan. oh, and I would say that the vatican is probably not either - so technically that makes 3 countries :)

(thank you wikipedia)

Marla and Tim said...

Close. You have one out of three. It's the vatican and Palestine.